Thermal residual stresses in thick graphite/epoxy composite laminates—Uniaxial approach

Thermal residual stresses have been known to be very large in laminates of continuous-fiber-reinforced polymer composites. When the thickness of the laminate is large, however, the measurement of the residual stresses raises questions on the accuracy of the conventional methods. A novel concept of layer separation is developed to measure quantitatively and precisely the tensile residual stresses in thick plates with layered distribution of residual stresses. It is applied to thick [O2/9O4]13s, AS/3501-6 graphite/epoxy laminates. The test specimens were mechanically modeled into the thin strips for the application of the new concept of layer separation. The tensile residual stresses measured in the 90-deg layers of these laminates are nonuniform throughout the specimen, and vary from 55.6 MPa to 71.4 MPa. It is very interesting to compare these values with the transverse strengthF2tu of AS/3501-6 unidirectional composites, which is 65.4 MPa.