Cloud geometry for passive remote sensing

An important cause for disagreements between current climate models is lack of understanding of cloud processes. In order to test and improve the assumptions of such models, detailed and large scale observations of clouds are necessary. Passive remote sensing methods are well-established to obtain cloud properties over a large observation area in a short period of time. In case of the visible to near infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum, a quick measurement process is achieved by using the sun as high-intensity light source to illuminate a cloud scene and by taking simultaneous measurements on all pixels of an imaging sensor. As the sun as light source can not be controlled, it is not possible to measure the time light travels from source to cloud to sensor, which is how active remote sensing determines distance information. But active light sources do not provide enough radiant energy to illuminate a large scene, which would be required to observe it in an instance. Thus passive imaging remains an important remote sensing method. Distance information and accordingly cloud surface location information is nonetheless crucial information: cloud fraction and cloud optical thickness largely determines the cloud radiative effect and cloud height primarily influences a cloud's influence on the Earth's thermal radiation budget. In combination with ever increasing spatial resolution of passive remote sensing methods, accurate cloud surface location information becomes more important, as the largest source of retrieval uncertainties at this spatial scale, influences of 3D radiative transfer effects, can be reduced using this information. This work shows how the missing location information is derived from passive remote sensing. Using all sensors of the improved hyperspectral and polarization resolving imaging system specMACS, a unified dataset, including classical hyperspectral measurements as well as cloud surface location information and derived properties, is created. This thesis shows how RGB cameras are used to accurately derive cloud surface geometry using stereo techniques, complementing the passive remote sensing of cloud microphysics on board the German High-Altitude Long-Range research aircraft (HALO). Measured surface locations are processed into a connected surface representation, which in turn is used to assign height and location to other passive remote sensing observations. Furthermore, cloud surface orientation and a geometric shadow mask are derived, supplementing microphysical retrieval methods. The final system is able to accurately map visible cloud surfaces while flying above cloud fields. The impact of the new geometry information on microphysical retrieval uncertainty is studied using theoretical radiative transfer simulations and measurements. It is found that in some cases, information about surface orientation allows to improve classical cloud microphysical retrieval methods. Furthermore, surface information helps to identify measurement regions where a good microphysical retrieval quality is expected. By excluding likely biased regions, the overall microphysical retrieval uncertainty can be reduced. Additionally, using the same instrument payload and based on knowledge of the 3D cloud surface, new approaches for the retrieval of cloud droplet radius exploiting measurements of parts of the polarized angular scattering phase function become possible. The necessary setup and improvements of the hyperspectral and polarization resolving measurement system specMACS, which have been developed throughout four airborne field campaigns using the HALO research aircraft are introduced in this thesis.