Information hiding : 5th International Workshop, IH 2002, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, October 7-9, 2002 : revised papers

Information Hiding and Networking.- Hiding Intrusions: From the Abnormal to the Normal and Beyond.- Eliminating Steganography in Internet Traffic with Active Wardens.- Anonymity.- From a Trickle to a Flood: Active Attacks on Several Mix Types.- Limits of Anonymity in Open Environments.- Chaffinch: Confidentiality in the Face of Legal Threats.- Watermarking Fundamentals.- Nothing But a Kiss: A Novel and Accurate Approach to Assessing the Performance of Multidimensional Distortion-Compensated Dither Modulation.- Robustness and Efficiency of Non-linear Side-Informed Watermarking.- Security of Public Watermarking Schemes for Binary Sequences.- Watermarking Algorithms I.- Direct Embedding and Detection of RST Invariant Watermarks.- Robust Image Watermark Using Radon Transform and Bispectrum Invariants.- Audio Watermark Robustness to Desynchronization via Beat Detection.- Watermarking Algorithms II.- Robust Watermarking and Affine Registration of 3D Meshes.- Natural Language Watermarking and Tamperproofing.- Attacks on Watermarking Algorithms.- Cryptanalysis of UCLA Watermarking Schemes for Intellectual Property Protection.- Cryptanalysis of Discrete-Sequence Spread Spectrum Watermarks.- Detectors for Echo Hiding Systems.- Steganography Algorithms.- A Steganographic Embedding Undetectable by JPEG Compatibility Steganalysis.- Steganography Preserving Statistical Properties.- Bit-Plane Decomposition Steganography Combined with JPEG2000 Compression.- Steganalysis I.- Steganalysis of JPEG Images: Breaking the F5 Algorithm.- Detecting Low Embedding Rates.- Steganalysis II.- Detecting Hidden Messages Using Higher-Order Statistics and Support Vector Machines.- Detection of LSB Steganography via Sample Pair Analysis.- Hiding Information in Unusual Content I.- Hiding Data in DNA.- Tracing the Source of a Shredded Document.- Hiding Information in Unusual Content II.- Oblivious Hashing: A Stealthy Software Integrity Verification Primitive.- Practical Oblivious Transfer Protocols.