[Value of celioscopic surgical treatment of ovarian tumors at the beginning of pregnancy].

Ovarian tumours complicate one in every thousand pregnancies. New techniques have changed the way of diagnosing and treating this condition. This study aims to demonstrate the value of laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cysts in the early months of pregnancy. From the 7th November 1985 to the 1st September 1989, eight pregnant women with less than 17 weeks amorrhoea consulted for ovarian tumours that were more than 6 centimeters in diameter. They were all operated on for ovarian tumours of more than 6 centimeters diameter and they were all operated on laparoscopically. Four operations were emergency and four non-emergency. In seven cases cystectomy was carried out transparietally and in one oophorectomy was. Laparoscopic surgery was possible in every case. These was no complication to the pregnancy due to the operation. Laparoscopic surgery permits early treatment of ovarian tumours in pregnancy without the risks of laparotomy. In emergency a quick diagnosis and treatment diminishes the risk of abortion. In non urgent cases a simple technique made it possible to avoid complications of the cyst and to obtain a histological assessment that they were benign.