ENVISAT mission and system

ENVISAT is the largest free-flying and probably the most complex satellite ever built in Europe. After an overview of the ENVISAT system and mission the operation strategy and the planned user services are briefly described. Finally, a brief programme development status is provided. The main objective of the Envisat programme is to endow Europe with an enhanced capability for the remote sensing of the Earth from space, increasing Europe's capacity to take part in the study and monitoring of the Earth. Envisat is carrying a package of instruments to observe the Earth and its atmosphere from space in a synergetic fashion, addressing crucial matters such as global warming, climate change, ozone depletion and ocean and ice monitoring. As such, it will be a major contributor to the global study and monitoring of the Earth and its environment as expressed by programmes such as the International Geosphere and Biosphere Programme (TGBP) and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).