Distance metric learning-based kernel gram matrix learning for pattern analysis tasks in kernel feature space

Approaches to distance metric learning (DML) for Mahalanobis distance metric involve estimating a parametric matrix that is associated with a linear transformation. For complex pattern analysis tasks, it is necessary to consider the approaches to DML that involve estimating a parametric matrix that is associated with a nonlinear transformation. One such approach involves performing the DML of Mahalanobis distance in the feature space of a Mercer kernel. In this approach, the problem of estimation of a parametric matrix of Mahalanobis distance is formulated as a problem of learning an optimal kernel gram matrix from the kernel gram matrix of a base kernel by minimizing the logdet divergence between the kernel gram matrices. We propose to use the optimal kernel gram matrices learnt from the kernel gram matrix of the base kernels in pattern analysis tasks such as clustering, multi-class pattern classification and nonlinear principal component analysis. We consider the commonly used kernels such as linear kernel, polynomial kernel, radial basis function kernel and exponential kernel as well as hyper-ellipsoidal kernels as the base kernels for optimal kernel learning. We study the performance of the DML-based class-specific kernels for multi-class pattern classification using support vector machines. Results of our experimental studies on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the DML-based kernels for different pattern analysis tasks.

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