Cost-Reliability Optimization of Automation and Protection Configurations in Active Distribution Grids

This paper presents a method to quantify the reliability of an active distribution grid in terms of its System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), considering also the total costs for different automation and protection configurations. This is achieved by integrating failure- and grid-specific restoration simulation models into a Monte Carlo-based simulation approach. In this way, we construct a cost-reliability assessment tool to compare the performance and cost of different automation and protection configurations for a certain distribution network topology. Furthermore, we present two techniques for identifying the set of Pareto optimal automation and protection configurations for a given distribution network topology. The first one is based on a brute force method, while the second one is based on a genetic search algorithm, both of which rely on the cost-reliability tool for the final assessment. We demonstrate the proposed schemes on a specific case study for a simplified ring-shaped network topology in order to highlight the usability of the tool as a decision-making tool for Distribution System Operators (DSOs) in future investments in the automation and protection of their existing distribution grids. Identifying the set of Pareto optimal solutions allows DSOs to identify how and to what extent they can improve the grid’s reliability at a minimum cost.