A Smartphone Application to Recommend User-Preferred Driving Routes Using Traffic Pattern Data
One of the current trends in Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) is that drivers may wish routes other than just the shortest in time or distance. This study aims to combine traffic pattern data with a smartphone app for user-preferred driving routes such as the shortest distance, shortest time, fewest accidents, fewest intersections, and most multilane sections. A set of traffic pattern data was created from three-month Urban Traffic Information System (UTIS) data for Seoul and was organized within a server-side database management system (DBMS) working with the client-side smartphone app for presenting route information and the middle-tier brokerage module for communicating between the client and the server. We designed and implemented the Android-based smartphone app and conducted a feasibility test for the driving routes in Gangnam-gu, Seoul. The effectiveness of the user-preferred driving routes was maximized by the fewest-accident route during both peak and off-peak periods. This paper showed the user-preferred driving routes can help uninformed drivers and can be custom-tailored for services on the smart devices.