Corrigenda: an empirical validation of software cost estimation models

P. 423, Table V: The value for Project number 1, COCOMO-BAS, should read " 1,478.32. " The value for Project number 1, COCOMO-INT, should read " 1,238.64. " The value for Project number I, COCOMO-DET, should read " 1,233.08. " The following corrections have been made to the article by C. P. 676, col. 2, par. 1 under " Nondeterminism, " 1. 9: " test " should read " text. " P. 678, col. 1, par. 1 under " Assignment, " 1. 4: should read " If F(x) is a list of expressions and E is a list of the values of the variables x, then F(E) is a copy of F in which every occurrence of each variable of x is replaced by a copy of the expression occupying the same position in the list E. " P. 679, col. 2, 1. 11 under " Normal Form " : " Qb agbD falseD " should read " b QabD false. " P. 679, col. 2, 1. 3 of (1) under " Normal Form " : " (by (2) under " Assignment " and (1) under " should read " (by (2) under " Assignment " and (2) under. " P. 680, ~01. 1, 1. 9 of (5): " (by (9) under " The Conditional ") " should read " (by (8) and (9) undler " The Conditional "). " A (b * P) > (b * Q). " should read " PURZQUR A (b * P) > (b * Q). " P. 683, col. 2, 1. 11 of (5): " (by (13) under " Least Upper Bounds ") " should read " (by (6) under " Least Upper Bounds "). " P. 684, col. 2, 1. 13 of (1): " because (x :=I 3 U x := 4) 2 x := 4 = (x := 2; x := 2 x x). " should read " because (x := 3 U x := 4) > x := 4 = (x := 2; x := 2 x x). " P. 685, col. 1, par. 1 under " General Inverse " : " The \ operator has a dual, /. " should read " Thle \ operator has a dual, /, called postspecification. " P. 685, col. 2,1. 11 under (10): " may produce a different choice. " should read " may involve a different choice. "