Kinematics and Microphysics of Convection in the Outer Rainband of Typhoon Nida (2016) Revealed by Polarimetric Radar

This study analyzes the microphysics of convective cells in an outer rainband of Typhoon Nida (2016) using data collected by a newly upgraded operational polarimetric radar in China. The life cycle of these convective cells is divided into three stages: developing, mature, and decaying according to the intensity of the corresponding updraft. Composite analysis shows that deep columns of ZDR and KDP collocate well with the enhanced updraft as the cells develop to their mature stage. A layered microphysical structure is observed in the ice region with riming near the −5°C level within the updraft, aggregation around the −15°C level, and deposition anywhere above the 0°C level. These ice-phase microphysical processes are important pathways of particle growth in the outer rainbands. In particular, riming contributes significantly to surface heavy rainfall. These contrast to previously documented inner rainbands, where warm-rain processes are the predominant pathway of particle growth.

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