A new method to measure track density and to differentiate nuclear tracks in CR-39 detectors

Abstract An alternative method to count and differentiate nuclear tracks in SSNTD is described. The method is based on the analysis of Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of coherent light produced by tracks of an etched SSNT detector. The diffraction pattern was also simulated by applying computational Fourier Optics. The comparison between results obtained by simulation and by the theoretical model gave satisfactory concordance. The proposed method is capable of differentiating tracks in CR-39 by their diameter and energies. The diameter resolution ranged between 8% and 25%, while the counting error was less than 15%. The discriminating ability to distinguish genuine etched tracks from defects and background anomalies is demonstrated. The incidence angle did not influence significantly the total count and the track parameter measuring capability. Errors due to track overlapping are only significant for track densities higher than 3×10 5 cm −2 .