Close Relationships : Functions, Forms and Processes

Introduction. Section I. Introductory Issues. Chapter 1. The needs, benefits, and perils of close relationships. J. A. Simpson & S. Tran. Chapter 2. The changing social context of relationships. C. M. Bryant, J. M. Bolland, L. Burton, T. Hurt, & B. M. Bryant. Chapter 3. Studying close relationships: Methodological Challenges and Advances. J. A. Feeney. Section II - Types of Relationships. Chapter 4. Marital relations. P. Noller. Chapter 5. Parent-child relationships: Contemporary Perspectives. R. D. Parke, K. Morris, T. Schofield, M. Leidy, M. Miller, & M. Flyr. Chapter 6. Parent-adolescent relationships. W. A. Collins & B. Laursen. Chapter 7. Sibling relationships in childhood and adolescence. S. M McHale, J. Kim, & S. Whiteman. Chapter 8. Adult friendship: A Decade Review. K. Ueno & R. G. Adams. Chapter 9. Interethnic relationships. S. O. Gaines Jr., R. A. R. Gurung, Y.Lin, & N. Pouli. Section III. Relationship Processes . Chapter 10. Attachment across the lifepan. C. Hazan, M. Campa, & N. Gur-Yaish. Chapter 11. Intimacy and the self: An Iterative Model of the Self and Close Relationships. S. L. Gable & H. T. Reis. Chapter 12. Passionate love, sexual desire, & mate-selection: Cross-cultural & Historical Perspectives. E. Hatfield & R. L. Rapson. Chapter 13. Mate-selection: Adaptive Problems and Evolved Cognitive Programs. D. Lieberman. Chapter 14. Sexuality in close relationships. S. Sprecher. Chapter 15. Emotion and cognition in close relationships. J. Fitness. Chapter 16. What partners do to maintain their close relationships. K. Dindia & T. M. Emmers-Sommer. Chapter 17. From bickering to battering: Destructive Conflict Processes in Intimate Relationships. Linda J. Roberts. Chapter 18. Relationship dissolution: Antecedents, Processes and Consequences. A. L. Vangelisti