Leak Detection on Wastewater Forcemains and Siphons in North America Using the Sahara® Acoustic System

A series of pilot studies across North America have been held to demonstrate that the Sahara ® leak detection system can be adapted to detect leaks in pressurized wastewater forcemains and siphons under typical North American operating conditions. Likewise, the Water Research Council (WRc) in the UK has demonstrated the applicability of the Sahara ® leak detection system to similar environments in the UK. Sahara ® wastewater is a new technology that allows utilities to assess the condition of critical wastewater forcemains and siphons, such as major non-redundant lines, waterway crossings, and lines through environmentally sensitive areas, while keeping the line in service; it is the first to allow full length inspections of in-service force mains. This paper discusses the need for inspections of wastewater forcemains and siphons, the Saraha ® wastewater acoustic system, and the need for benchmarking of new technologies by third party organizations. The application of the Sahara system for the inspection of six wastewater pipelines in North America will also be discussed in detail.