Analytic theory of the ground state properties of a spin glass. II. XY spin glass

For pt.I see ibid., vol.10, no.12, p.2769 (1980). The general theory, developed in the preceding paper to study the ground state properties of spin glasses, is applied to two-component spin systems. As an extension of the Edwards-Anderson model (1975) a system of the two-component spins, each spin of which can take only n directions in a plane ('discrete planar model'), is introduced to count (gn)-the average degeneracy in the ground state. This procedure allows the authors to see how the fundamental properties change by the spin symmetry. For n=2, the theory reproduces the previous results for the Ising model. They can study the XY model as a limit of n to infinity . Precise calculations are performed for the infinite-range exchange interactions. They find (ginfinity )=e0.51691N.