War Multiusuário com Jogadores Virtuais Inteligentes
WAR is a game of strategy sort, where in a tray with a map printed, the players dispute territories with theirs armies, in order to fulfill an objective and, in this way, win the game. Game WAR presents diverse rules that must be fulfilled along the game, and this represent and obstacle for beginners. Other difficulties that may be found in this game, is the minimum amount of players necessary, therefore the participants must have certain level in its strategical abilities. The present project created an electronic version of game WAR, and used for this the Java language, allowing that players can participate of games in computers distributed in a net, with the employ of the RMI technology (Remote Method Invocation). Moreover, virtual players are implemented, to which can be added in the game to complete the minimum amount of players or even to increase the amount of participants. Therefore, Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and Intelligent Agents are applied, in order to make the virtual players to represent human players in its actions, once that to represent the knowledge of these players, the technique of Expert Systems (ES) was applied, simulating the decisions that a person would take according to the actions to be carried through in the game.