Advanced monitoring technologies for substations
The implementation of intelligent electronics devices (IED) for monitoring and diagnostics of substation apparatus is becoming a de-facto way of doing things in the substation world. Typically most of these IEDs are still used as stand-alone subsystems. The primary challenge for the coming years is collecting and integrating the data from all these super subsystems into a powerful and secure control system that can serve as a platform for apparatus monitoring today and advanced diagnostic expert systems in the future. The IREQ High-Power Laboratory is currently in the process of upgrading the existing complex SCADA system that controls more than 500 switches and breakers from 80 kV to 735 kV. Based on Ethernet, Internet TCP/IP and the IEEE Recommended Practice for IED Communications (IEEE Std 1379), IREQ is working on a new control system architecture involving DNP 3.0 and UCA 2 specifications. This new integrated control system will provide all current SCADA control requirements as well as provide a means of integrating data from a wide range of IEDs for the purpose of equipment monitoring and diagnostics.