Tabakentwöhnung und Verordnung von ambulantem Lungensport im Rahmen der pneumologischen Rehabilitation in Deutschland

PURPOSE  This survey was conducted on behalf of the German Respiratory Society (DGP) section 12. The aim was to assess the means of achieving tobacco cessation and prescription of exercise training on an outpatient basis after discharge from pulmonary rehabilitation clinic as part of aftercare of pulmonary rehabilitation programs in Germany. METHODS  We contacted all pulmonary rehabilitation clinics in Germany. Of the 67 clinics we identified, 62 fulfilled the inclusion criteria; 39 clinics (62.9 %) agreed to participate and returned the completed questionnaires. RESULTS  Each clinic rated ambulatory exercise training sessions as effective aftercare. In each case, slightly above 50 % of the sample informed their patients via standardized talks or information brochures. In 38.5 % of the clinics, ambulatory exercise in groups was provided as aftercare. The number of patients who received prescription for aftercare at the end of the rehabilitation program ranged between 0 % and 100 %. Only a quarter of the clinics had ever been asked by the funding organizations regarding the success rate of the exercise program. All clinics assessed the smoking status of their patients and explained the importance of tobacco abstinence to them. The percentage of smokers was estimated to be 33 %; 69.7 % of the clinics stated that the rehabilitation program included standardized talks regarding tobacco cessation and 61.5 % reported having therapeutic group meetings on a regular basis. Further treatment options included psychological counselling (89.7 %), nicotine replacement therapy (61.5 %), or varenicline (15.4 %). Aftercare was offered only in 10.3 % of the clinics. On average, the percentage of smokers who achieved tobacco abstinence during the rehabilitation program was 32 %. Only one clinic (2.6 %) had ever been asked by the funding organization regarding the success rate of the tobacco cessation program. CONCLUSION  This survey emphasizes that most of the pulmonary rehabilitation clinics in Germany have already achieved a good standard regarding tobacco cessation and exercise training programs for their inpatients; however, there are still areas of improvement as far as providing care after discharge from a rehabilitation clinic is concerned with regard to smoking cessation and prescription of ambulatory exercise training.