This chapter presents the SuperJet International case study, a start-up in the aeronautics industry characterized by a process-oriented approach and a complex and as yet evolving network of partnerships and collaborations. The chapter aims to describe the key points of the start-up process, highlighting common factors and differences compared to the TEKNE Methodology of Change, with particular reference to the second and third phase, namely, the design and deployment of new techno-organizational systems. The SuperJet International startup is presented as a case study where strategic and organizational aspects have been jointly conceived from a network-driven perspective. The chapter compares some of the guidelines of the TEKNE Methodology of Change with experiences and actual practices deriving from interviews with key players in SJI’s start-up process.
C. Handy.
Trust and the virtual organization
R. Stake.
The art of case study research
Henry Mintzberg,et al.
Power in and Around Organizations
M. Porter,et al.
How Information Gives You Competitive Advantage
Peter R. Monge,et al.
Theories of Communication Networks
A. Bryman,et al.
Business Research Methods
James D. Thompson.
Organizations in Action
M. Malone.
The Virtual Corporation
R. Yin.
Case Study Research: Design and Methods
Stefan Klein,et al.
Network Management Framework