Trends in Tractor Design with Particular Reference to Europe

Abstract The economic background pertaining to Western Europe is discussed to explain the drop in sales of tractor units and the increase in power and functions per unit. Technical progress can satisfy the farmer only if adequate tractor quality is ensured; some quality control principles are therefore summarized. Aspects of practical tractor use are analysed for the case of West Germany including the role of maximum vehicle speed. Regarding tractor design, attention is given to the question of replacing the block chassis design by full frames and to specific tractor weights. Development trends of the tractor components are analysed for ground drive, tyres, brakes, diesel engines, transmissions, human engineering, hydraulics and implement control with consideration given to the development of electronics and aspects of environmental protection as well. The paper concludes, that the "standard tractor" with different wheel diameters front and rear remains the leading concept in Europe, predominantly with four-wheel drive, complemented by several niche market tractors for special applications. Fundamental changes in component design have taken place in recent years and more are expected in the near future.