The Real-Time Assessment of Electric Distribution Network Load Capability

To improve the security and reliability of a distri bution network, several issues, such as influences of operation constrains, real-time load margin calculation, and onl ine security level evaluation, are with great signi ficance. In this paper, a mathematical model for load capability onlin e assessment of a distribution network is establish ed, and a repetitive power flow calculation algorithm is proposed t o solve the problem as well. With assessment on thr ee levels: the entire distribution network, a sub-area of the netw ork and a load bus, the security level of current o peration mode and load transfer capability during outage are thus obt ained. The results can provide guidelines for preve ntion control, as well as restoration control. Simulation results sho w that the method is simple, fast and can be applie d to distribution networks belonged to any voltage level while taking into account all of the operation constraints.