Bartholomew, Paul C. A manual of American government. Pp. 131. Minneapolis: Burgess Pub. Co. 1936. Bates, Ernest Sutherland. The story of the supreme court. Pp. 377. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. 1936. Buehler, Ezra Christian, comp. Should the government own and operate electric utilities? Pp. 356. N. Y.: Noble & Noble. 1936. Cahn, Frances, and Bary, Valeska. Welfare activities of federal, state, and local governments in California, 1850-1934. Pp.446. Berkeley (Calif.): Univ. of Calif. Press. 1936. Carnes, Cecil. John L. Lewis, leader of labor. Pp. 341. N. Y.: Robert Speller. 1936. Carr, Robert K. Democracy and the supreme court. Pp. 142. Norman (Okla.): Univ. of Okla. Press. 1936. Cohn, David Lewis. Picking America's pockets; the story of the costs and consequences of our tariff policy. Pp. 270. N. Y.: Harper. 1936. Commons, John Rogers, and Andrews, John Bertram. Principles of labor legislation. 4th ed. Pp. 624. N. Y.: Harper. 1936. Council of State Governments. Proceedings of the council of state governments' interstate commission on social security, June 26-27, 1936. Pp. 17. Chicago: Council of State Govts. 1936. . An abridged transcript of the second general assembly of commissioners on interstate coSperation, April 17-18, 1936. Pp. 80. Chicago: Council of State Govts. 1936. Crow, William Henry, and Greene, U. S. Planning for tax economy. Pp. 409. N. Y.: Wildrep-Tilson. 1936. Dickinson, Frank G., and Eakin, Franzy. A balance sheet of the nation's economy. Pp. 35. (Univ. of 111. Bull., vol. 34, no. 25.) Urbana (111.): Univ. of 111. 1936. Gayer, Arthur D. Public works and unemployment relief in the United States. Pp. 44. N. Y.: Am. Council, Inst. of Pacific Rels. 1936. Griswold, John A. The history of the federal reserve bank of Chicago. Pp. 247. St. Louis: Author. 1936. Harr, Luther Armstrong, and Harris, W. Carlton. Banking theory and practice. Pp. 627. N. Y.: McGraw-Hill. 1936. Hartman, Siegfried F. Government and the public utilities. Pp. 46. Charlottesville (Va.): Univ. of Va. 1936. Hughes, Charles Evans. The supreme court of the United States; its foundation, methods, and achievements. Pp. 276. Garden City (N. Y.): Garden City Pub. Co. 1936. Kohler, Max James. Immigration and aliens in the United States. Pp. 469. N. Y.: Bloch Pub. Co. 1936. Kreps, Theodore J. Business and government under the national recovery administration. Pp. 46. N. Y.: Am. Council, Inst. of Pacific Rels. 1936.
J. Pratt.
Expansionists of 1898: The Acquisition of Hawaii and the Spanish Islands
W. W. Willoughby,et al.
Essays in Political Science in Honor of Westel Woodbury Willoughby
Gertrude Vaile.
: Unemployment Relief in Periods of Depression: A Study of Measures Adopted in Certain American Cities, 1857 through 1922
Harold S. Buttenheim.
Town planning and taxation: Friends or foes?
Philip D. Taylor.
The saga of a village manager
Harro Bernadelli.
What has Philosophy to Contribute to the Social Sciences, and to Economics in Particular?
N. Miller.
The American City in Relation to Works Progress Administration and Direct Relief
Social Service Review.
Julian Dana.
The man who built San Francisco : a study of Ralston's journey with banners
E. Benson.
The Kaiser and English relations
Edvard Hambro.
L'exécution des sentences internationales
Volker Koch-Weser.
Einwirkungen der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika auf die zentral-amerikanischen und westindischen Republiken
Ėrnst Genri.
Hitler over Russia? : the coming fight between the Fascist and Socialist armies
L. Dublin.
The American people : studies in population
James A. Fulton.
Our economic nationalism : its purpose and importance
D. Davies.
Nearing the abyss : the lesson of Ethiopia
J. Bell,et al.
We did not fight : 1914-18 experiences of war resisters