E-learning Tools Evaluation and Roadmap Development for an Electrical Utility

This paper describes a methodology based on 40 criterions as well as a mixture of MCDM methods to evaluate different technologies applied in modern training systems. The criterions are grouped in a three-dimensional (3D) model in accordance with their use and application in training processes. The proposed 3D model includes the Management (M), the Technological (T) and the Instructional (I) dimensions. Applying this methodology we can evaluate different training and learning technologies. Furthermore a technology roadmap is outlined using the obtained results in the evaluation. This roadmap will provide CFE (Comision Federal de Electricidad which is the National Electricity Utility in Mexico) with elements to decide, enhance and upgrade its current training information systems or acquire new ones as well as showing what courses are worth implementing with e-learning technologies and when these courses should be programmed.