Wireless Solar Radiation And Meteorological Instruments For K 12 Technology Education

A wireless network of weather stations is being designed for a project to enhance and advance mathematics, science, and computer education for K-12 students. In this network, portable, solar powered weather stations incorporating GPS and spread spectrum radio communication features will be deployed on rooftops of 53schools in the area surrounding the University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB). Data will be gathered at a central station by radio and transmitted to UTB via Internet at regular intervals and, after its quality has been properly assured and qualified, uploaded to a specifically designed web site. Students in the schools will access the web site and use the acquired high-quality data to derive information regarding solar radiation availability, the movement of weather systems through the region, and the development of weather systems within the area. Depending on the grade level of the classes, activities will include calculation of the velocity of weather systems, weather forecasting, correlation of cloud types and weather, statistical operations on wind and weather system data, calculation of cooling and heating degree days, -etc. In a concerted effort among K-12 students, educators and UTB faculty, the acquired solar and meteorological data will also be used for calibration and fine-tuning of satellite models of ground-level solar radiation estimates. The involvement of K-12 students, and their educators, in such a relevant scientific endeavor is expected to raise their interest in science and technology. This paper sketches the complete concept of the educational weather station network being proposed, and discusses its educational and research potential. Manufacturing engineering technology and electronic engineering technology students are involved in the design and implementation of the network. They will be deeply involved in the deployment of the educational weather stations, in visits to schools to instruct K-12 students in maintenance and operation of the stations, and to assist students in their meteorological instrument based projects. It is anticipated that these interactions will comprise service learning experiences and projects for the engineering technology students, and outreach and recruitment activities for the department.