NCCN Internet-based data system for the conduct of outcomes research.

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), an alliance of 17 of the world's leading cancer centers, is currently conducting its first shared outcomes project in breast cancer. City of Hope National Medical Center serves as the data coordinating center for the project. A database system has been designed and deployed which allows project staff located all over the United States to submit data to the central repository at City of Hope via the Internet. The database application consists of a series of webenabled front-end screens linked to a Microsoft SQL Server database. The NCCN system incorporates high levels of data security, confidentiality, and integrity via data encryption, password and ID protection, submission of anonymous data, and quality-control processing on several levels. The application also provides the flexibility of entering the data via the web-based screens, or transferring electronic files of data from existing database systems. Recently released SAS statistical software tools have been integrated into the system to allow for a seamless interface for analysis and web-enabled output of reports. The goals and strategies in designing the NCCN system are described and sample screens are shown. Our experience to date indicates that this system is highly effective in providing the ability to perform nationwide retrieval and analysis of outcomes data.