Quantitative association of orofacial and vocal-tract shapes

OROFACIAL AND VOCAL-TRACT SHAPES Hani Yehia1 Philip Rubin2 Eric Vatikiotis-Bateson1 yehia@hip.atr.co.jp rubin@haskins.yale.edu bateson@hip.atr.co.jp 1ATR Human Information Research Laboratories 2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-02, Japan 2Haskins Laboratories 270 Crown St. New Haven{CT 06511, U.S.A. ABSTRACT This paper examines the degrees of correlation among vocal tract and orofacial movement data and the speech acoustics. Multilinear techniques are applied to support the claims that orofacial motion during speech is largely a by-product of producing the speech acoustics and further that the spectral envelope of the speech acoustics is better estimated by the 3D motion of the face than the mid-sagittal motion of the anterior vocal tract (lips, tongue, and jaw).