#### What you need to know
In spite of a wealth of guidance,1 young people making the transition from children’s to adults’ services are often inadequately or inconsistently supported.2 3 4 This can lead to disrupted care.5 It can also mean they disengage from services, which can be costly, both for them and for care providers.
Transition is a process and should not be conflated with transfer, which is a discrete event. Simple transfer may result in poor understanding of the young person’s treatment needs by the new adult team. Healthcare transition is a gradual, purposeful, and goal oriented process. It can be difficult and often coincides with other transitions such as development into adulthood, which adds complexity. Transition should start well before transfer and enable patients to understand the service changes they can expect. See linked infographic on supporting young people in their transition to adults’ services.
We summarise the most recent recommendations from the Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) aimed at improving the transition process and outcomes across health and social care.6
NICE recommendations are based on systematic reviews of best available evidence and explicit consideration of cost effectiveness. When minimal evidence is available, recommendations are based on the guideline committee’s experience and expert opinion of …
Janet E Mcdonagh,et al.
Transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people using health or social care services (NICE Guideline NG43)
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Education & Practice Edition.
J. Beecham,et al.
Multi‐agency transition services: greater collaboration needed to meet the priorities of young disabled people with complex needs as they move into adulthood
T. Weaver,et al.
Process, outcome and experience of transition from child to adult mental healthcare: multiperspective study
British Journal of Psychiatry.
A. Watson.
Problems and pitfalls of transition from paediatric to adult renal care
Pediatric Nephrology.