This paper will discuss the development of CUMULVS "viewers" for virtual reality visualization via ImmersaDesk/Cave systems. The CUMULVS (Collaborative, User Migration, User Library for Visualization and Steering) system, developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is a base platform for interacting with high-performance parallel scientific simulation programs on-the-fly. It provides run-time visualization of data while they are being computed, as well as coordinated computational steering and application-directed checkpointing and fault recovery mechanisms. CUMULVS primarily consists of two distinct but cooperative libraries - an application library and a viewer library. The application library allows instrumentation of scientific simulations to describe distributed data fields, and the viewer library interacts with this application side to dynamically attach and then extract and assemble sequences of data snapshots for use in front-end visualization tools. A development strategy for integrating CUMULVS with the virtual reality visualization libraries and environments will be presented, including discussion of the various data transformations and the visualization pipeline necessary for converting raw CUMULVS data into fully rendered 3-dimensional graphical entities.
Robert Hartley.
Open Inventor
Paul J. Rajlich,et al.
An Object Oriented Approach to Developing Visualization Tools Portable Across Desktop and Virtual Environments
Kevin Weiler.
Topological Structures for Geometric Modeling
William Schroeder,et al.
The Visualization Toolkit: An Object-Oriented Approach to 3-D Graphics
William E. Lorensen,et al.
The visualization toolkit (2nd ed.): an object-oriented approach to 3D graphics
James Arthur Kohl,et al.
Cumulvs: Providing Fault Toler. Ance, Visualization, and Steer Ing of Parallel Applications
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl..