Immobilization of heavy metals contained in incinerator fly ash by application of soluble phosphate treatment and disposal cost reduction by combined use of high specific surface area lime

In Japan, the lime injection rate to municipal waste incinerator flue gas has had a tendency to increase in recent years. This trend is due to the need to comply with the stringent air pollution control regulation, to neutralize and remove more acid gas contained in the flue gas, together with utilization of fabric filter (FF) units to efficiently remove particulate and other hazardous materials. Evaluation results of combined application of High Specific Surface Area Lime and soluble phosphate as heavy metals immobilizing agent for fly ash intermediate treatment can help to reduce output of incinerator fly ash amount and total fly ash treatment and disposal costs. High Specific Surface Area Lime injection rate to achieve same outlet HCL concentration will be reduced to about 1/2 of the conventional lime injection rate. As the residual lime content in the fly ash is reduced, the treatment costs by soluble phosphate can be remarkably reduced.