An unusual cause of lacunar infarcts: Lambl’s excrescences on aortic valve shown in detail by 3D transesophageal echocardiography

Abstract Lambl’s excrescences (LE) are rare cardiac structures. They are associated with catastrophic thromboembolic and coronary events. Despite resulting in such important events, 2D echocardiographic imaging modalities may overlook LE owing to very thin cardiac structures. So, 3D echocardiographic imaging modalities may fully offer this cardiac mass and provide us to more accurately guess the complication rate related to LE due to the fact that 3D echocardiographic imaging techniques have higher spatial resolution and are not based on the geometric assumption. Indeed, another benefit of 3D echocardiographic imaging modalities in this population is that these imaging modalities clearly provide the relationship to adjacent structures of LE and its movement over a cardiac cycle in 3D space. In our case report, we aim to present the usefulness of 3D echocardiography as a modality to clearly offer all features of LE, furthermore to give valuable information about management in patients with thromboembolic events leading to LE.