This large-scale study into the recognition, enhancement and development of sessional teaching in higher
education builds on the Australian Universities Teaching Committee Report (2003a) Training, Support and
Management of Sessional Teaching Staff. The aim of the current Project was to identify and analyse current
national practice and refocus attention on the issues surrounding sessional teachers in the university sector.
The Project had three objectives: to establish the extent of the contribution that sessional teachers make to
higher education; to identify and analyse good practice examples for dissemination; and to consider the
possible developments for institutional and sector-wide improvements to the quality enhancement of
sessional teaching. Sixteen Australian universities were involved in the Project, representing the ‘Group of 8’
(Go8), regional, Australian Technology Network (ATN), transnational and multi-campus institutions in all
states and territories. At each of the participating universities, the number and typology of sessional teachers
was audited across the institution and sixty interviews were conducted with the full range of participants, from
sessional teachers to university executive staff. The Project had three objectives: to establish the extent of the
contribution that sessional teachers make to higher education; to
identify and analyse good practice examples for dissemination;
and to consider the possible developments for institutional and
sector-wide improvements to the quality enhancement of sessional