A variety of ocean wave energy conversion devices have been proposed worldwide considering different technology and energy extraction methods. In order to support full-scale prototype design and performance assessments of a conversion scheme to be deployed on the northern coast of Brazil, a long-term wave climate analysis is under development. A 5-year pitch-roll buoy data series has been investigated through an adaptive technique to enhance spatial resolution and allow for accurate wave directionality evaluation. Device design most influential variables such as extreme significant wave height, peak period and directionality were considered. Temporal variability in wave energy levels was particularly investigated for energy resource assessment. The major findings of this work include the narrow directional amplitude of the incident wave and higher significant wave heights of locally generated waves. The estimated energy resource levels agreed well with literature, also showing little annual fluctuation. The wave climate demonstrated to be in full agreement with the large-scale Equatorial Atlantic atmospheric variability, dominated by either local wind waves or by distant storm swells.© 2007 ASME