Cold atmospheric plasma reduces demodex count on the face comparably to topical ivermectin, as measured by reflectance confocal microscopy

with-out side effects. Our device is an experimental prototype. Certain CAP devices are licensed for clinical use in different countries but, to our knowledge, none of those have been tested for treating de-modicosis. Further studies are needed to determine whether CAP treatment achieves actual clinical improvement of demodex related dermatoses and optimal treatment protocols will have to be devel-oped for it to become a practical tool to treat skin conditions caused by demodex infestation. SM: Conducting patient encounters, imaging, collecting and compiling data, writing paper. MG: Designing RCM image collection part of study, evaluating RCM images and collecting RCM data. GF: developing CAP device, designing treatment part of study, developing treatment settings. AF: developing CAP device, developing treatment settings. PCF: Designing entire study, developing treatment and imaging protocols, overseeing patient encoun-ters, imaging, data collection, organizing and evaluating data, writing paper.