Development of Sn-fueled high-power DPP EUV source for enabling HVM

Discharge-produced plasma (DPP)-based EUV source is being developed at Gotenba Branch of EUVA Hiratsuka R&D Center. A high-repetition-rate high voltage power supply (HVPS) was developed and put into operation on the magnetic pulse compression (MPC)-driven DPP source, enabling 8-kHz operation with 15 J/pulse of maximum charging energy and 0.11 % of stability. SnH4 gas was used as a fuel gas in order to obtain high conversion efficiency. SnH4-fueled Z-pinch source demonstrated EUV power of 700 W/2&pgr;sr within 2 % bandwidth around 13.5 nm. Using a nested grazing-incidence collector, EUV power at the intermediate focus which is defined as an interface to the exposure tool reached 62 W with 3.3 mm2sr of etendue. Tin deposition rate on the collector surface, which is the concern in any tin-fueled EUV sources, was decreased by four orders of magnitude as a result of debris-shield development. Cleaning processes were also developed to enhance total lifetime of the collector. A sequence of intentional deposition and cleaning process for the ruthenium grazing-incidence mirror sample was repeated 13 times. By measuring reflectivity of the mirror, it was confirmed that halogen cleaning process worked very effectively and did not get the mirror damaged after such a long-term cleaning experiment.