Challenges for fuel cells in transport applications

Abstract The US Department of Energy (DOE) and the US automotive industry are working cooperatively under the auspices of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) to develop a six-passenger automobile that can achieve up to 80 miles/gal. These partners are continuing to invest heavily in research and development of polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells as a clean and efficient alternative technology for transport applications. In the past few years, US automakers have made significant advances in fuel cell technology and have announced plans to put fuel cell vehicles on the market by 2004. DOE is working with industry suppliers to address some of the biggest remaining challenges, which include fuel processing and lowering the cost of fuel cell systems. The refueling infrastructure necessary to support fuel cell vehicles presents additional unresolved issues. This paper provides a status report on the PNGV program and provides an overview of the technical accomplishments and future plans of the DOE Fuel Cells for Transportation Program.