The Effect of Perceived of Ease, Perceived of Benefits and Perceived of Risk to Decisions on Use of Mobile Banking Students of the State University of Jakarta

This study aims to determine how the effect of perceived ease, perceived benefits, and perceived risk on the user's decision of Mobile Banking. This research method is used a quantitative method. This study involved 100 respondents who were students of the State University of Jakarta. The data collection method is using questionnaires and literature techniques. Data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0 application. The results of this study indicate that each independent variable has a partial influence on the dependent variable. Ease of Perception has a value of 6.877> t table 1.66. Perception of benefits has a value of t count of 6.133> t table of 1.66, and Perceptions of risks have a value of t count of 12,290> t table of 1.66. As well as all independent variables, namely Perceptions of Ease, Perceptions of Benefits and Perceptions of Risk, have a simultaneous effect on the independent variable, namely the Decision to Use Mobile Banking with a significance value of 0.000 F table which is equal to 2.70.