Diagnostic-strategy selection for series systems

The selection of efficient testing strategies for repairable systems composed of components arranged in series is considered. Two cost models (for perfect and imperfect testing) represent the consequences of possible test realizations. The probability that any particular component is responsible for the failure is derived and used as a basis for the two models. The model for perfect testing is solved exactly. In the optimal perfect-test sequence the components are tested in decreasing order of the ratio of: (probability that the component is responsible for the system failure) to (component test cost). For imperfect testing, possible diagnostic errors are included in a model for which two heuristic solution strategies are provided. The model represents the consequences of both false-positive and false-negative component-test outcomes. The heuristic strategies yield efficient test sequences. Under reasonable assumptions, the second heuristic strategy is guaranteed to locate the optimal test sequence. The model can quantitatively evaluate the benefits of test-accuracy enhancement plans. These models and algorithms provide convenient methods for selecting efficient test-sequences. This is illustrated by representative examples. >