Big Data Analysis on Gambling Related News in South Korea

The purpose of this study is to understand the recognition of gambling industry through the semantic analysis of news data on lottery, sports betting, horse racing and casino that was reported between 1990 to 2015 in South Korea. This paper revealed the difference between journalists' intention and public's perception about news by analyzing the frequency and connectivity of news with framing and public's interest through semantic network analysis and explored the policy characteristics and innovation task. The result of analysis, news on lottery game mainly has been reported social issue related with win such as 'winning number', 'prize money', 'suspicion of manipulation' and etc. News on sports betting has been reported mandatory information related with business project and illegal site such as 'bidding', 'illegal site', 'sales target' and etc. News about horse racing has been reported the information about the business advertisement such as 'online race track' and 'promotion'. Lastly, casino related news has been reported 'major information' such as illegality', 'gambling place' and 'foreigner'. As a result of times series analysis, news about casino in the 1990s, news about lottery in the 2000s and news about horse racing in 2010s have been increased. Public's interest also has been moved to 'business scandal', 'winning game', 'citizens' campaign' and etc. Gambling related news has been classified by four types, 1. advertising publicity(horse racing), 2. mandatory information(sports betting), 3. social issue(public agenda, lottery), 4. major information(casino). We could get the insight that news can be formed a public agenda, when news is reported as a social issue with high frequency and public's interest like lottery related news.