Mineral and melt physics

The previous four years have been a period of enormous discovery, growth and diversification in the mineral physics community. To underscore this point, several highlights of the U.S. research effort can be listed from a wide range of fields. Relatively young experimental methods have quickly matured and come to produce exceedingly important results; a prime example of this is the measurement of the elastic moduli of the β and γ high-pressure phases of forsterite by Brillouin spectroscopy [Weidner et al., 1984; Sawamoto et al., 1984]. The technical capabilities of more established techniques have been considerably extended, with a spectacular example being provided by the attainment of a statically- maintained pressure of 550 GPa (5.5 Mbar) using a diamond anvil cell [Xu et. al, 1986]; this pressure far exceeds that in the center of the Earth! Moreover, existing static and dynamic high pressure technologies have been utilized in new and creative ways. A wide variety of spectroscopic methods are being used not only to measure the properties of materials, but also to precisely define the temperature and pressure conditions which are achieved within the small sample volume of a diamond anvil cell. The determinations of the melting points of Fe to 43 GPa [Boehler, 1986] and Mg.9Fe.1SiO3-perovskite to 60 GPa [Jeanloz and Heinz, 1984] are but two examples of how the diamond cell is being used to perform quantitative phase equilibrium measurements at ultrahigh pressures. Additional constraints on the phase relations of high-pressure silicates are being provided by calorimetric measurements of thermochemical properties [e.g., Akaogi et al., 1984]. Complementary to these efforts are dynamic measurements of the sound velocity [Brown and McQueen, 1986] and temperature [Lyzenga et al., 1983] during shock wave experiments. Both of these variables are sensitive to phase transitions and have been used to constrain the phase diagrams of Fe and SiO2, respectively, at pressures ranging to hundreds of GPa. Another new application of shock wave methods has been in the measurement of the pressure-density equation-of-state of silicate melts [Rigden et al., 1984], which gives experimental support to the interesting possibility of melts sinking, rather than rising, at depth in the mantle. Parallel to these experimental advances have been a series of theoretical efforts to model the equation-of- state and stability of high-pressure phases. First-principles calculations were recently performed to investigate the high-pressure equation-of-state of oxides [Hemley et al., 1985; Bukowinski, 1985], as well as structurally complex high-pressure silicates such as perovskites [Wolf and Bukowinski, 1986], and are in broad agreement with available experimental data on crystal structures and physical properties.

[1]  H. Mao,et al.  Generation of static pressures above 2.5 megabars in a diamond‐anvil pressure cell , 1985 .

[2]  R. L. Mills,et al.  A novel instrument for high-pressure research at ultra-high temperatures , 1986 .

[3]  A. Lasaga,et al.  Self-diffusion of magnesium in garnet at 750 degrees to 900 degrees C , 1985 .

[4]  A. Pines,et al.  Defects and short-range order in nepheline group minerals: a silicon-29 nuclear magnetic resonance study , 1986, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals.

[5]  J. Cohen,et al.  Defect agglomeration in wüstite at high temperatures—I: The defect arrangement , 1986 .

[6]  D. Matson,et al.  Raman spectra of some tectosilicates and of glasses along the orthoclase-anorthite and nepheline-anorthite joins , 1986 .

[7]  Bernard J. Wood,et al.  The 400-km seismic discontinuity and the proportion of olivine in the Earth's upper mantle , 1986, Nature.

[8]  G. Rossi,et al.  Crystal field spectra and jahn teller effect of Mn3+ in clinopyroxene and clinoamphiboles from India , 1986 .

[9]  O. J. Kleppa,et al.  Enthalpy of formation of forsterite, enstatite, akermanite, monticellite and merwinite at 1073 K determined by alkali borate solution calorimetry , 1984 .

[10]  C. J. Hostetler,et al.  Thermodynamic properties of NaCl obtained by computer calculation , 1985 .


[12]  Boyer,et al.  First-principles study of structural instabilities in halide-based perovskites: Competition between ferroelectricity and ferroelasticity. , 1985, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[13]  B. Lienert,et al.  Effects of sample-electrode interface polarization on the electrical properties of partially molten rock , 1986 .

[14]  O. L. Anderson,et al.  Anharmonicity of three minerals at high temperature: Forsterite, fayalite, and periclase , 1983 .

[15]  A. Ruoff,et al.  Pressure‐induced phase transition of HgS , 1983 .

[16]  Mary L. Johnson,et al.  A note on the bonding, optical spectrum and composition of tetrahedrite , 1984 .

[17]  E. Watson Immobility of reduced carbon along grain boundaries in dunite , 1986 .

[18]  A. Putnis,et al.  A raman spectroscopic study of Al-Si ordering in synthetic magnesium cordierite , 1984 .

[19]  Paula M. Davidson,et al.  Thermodynamic analysis of quadrilateral pyroxenes , 1985 .

[20]  J. Aidun,et al.  First-principles calculation of the insulator-to-metal transition pressure in CsI , 1983 .

[21]  J. Bass,et al.  Elasticity of the olivine and spinel polymorphs of Ni2SiO4 , 1984 .

[22]  A. Heuer,et al.  Defect clusters in wustite, Fe1-xO , 1984 .

[23]  D. Kohlstedt,et al.  Sintering of olivine and olivine-basalt aggregates , 1984 .

[24]  B. Mysen,et al.  Structure and properties of fluorine-bearing aluminosilicate melts: the system Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2-F at 1 atm , 1985 .

[25]  Y. Gupta Shear and compression wave measurements in shocked polycrystalline Al2O3 , 1983 .

[26]  D. Schmitt,et al.  Temperatures of shock-induced shear instabilities and their relationship to fusion curves. [emission from glass , 1983 .

[27]  R. Yund Interdiffusion of NaSi—CaAl in peristerite , 1986 .

[28]  E. Oldfield,et al.  High-resolution silicon-29 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of rock-forming silicates. , 1983 .

[29]  Hiroki Sato,et al.  Ultrasonic measurements of Vp and Qp: relaxation spectrum of complex modulus on basalt melts , 1985 .

[30]  J. Cohen,et al.  Defect agglomeration in wüstite at high temperatures-II. An electrical conduction model , 1986 .

[31]  Raymond Jeanloz,et al.  Phase transitions and mantle discontinuities , 1983 .

[32]  G. Rossman,et al.  The hydrous component in garnets: pyralspites , 1984 .


[34]  R. Jeanloz,et al.  Structural and Bonding Changes in Cesium Iodide at High Pressures , 1984, Science.

[35]  D. Dingwell,et al.  Effects of water and fluorine on the viscosity of albite melt at high pressure: a preliminary investigation , 1985 .

[36]  Thomas J. Ahrens,et al.  Shock-induced volatile loss from a carbonaceous chondrite: implications for planetary accretion , 1986 .

[37]  T. Ahrens,et al.  Particle velocity experiments in anorthosite and gabbro , 1984 .

[38]  Thomas J. Ahrens,et al.  Shock wave equation of state of enstatite , 1986 .

[39]  Shigeru Yamamoto,et al.  Determination of elastic constants of trigonal crystals by the rectangular parallelepiped resonance method , 1986 .

[40]  J. Arndt,et al.  Enthalpy of diaplectic labradorite glass , 1986 .

[41]  David A. Young,et al.  THEORY OF THE IRON EQUATION OF STATE AND MELTING CURVE TO VERY HIGH PRESSURES**Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-48. , 1983 .

[42]  Robert M. Hazen,et al.  Compressibilities and high‐pressure phase transitions of sodium tungstate perovskites (NaxWO3) , 1984 .

[43]  E. Oldfield,et al.  Boron-11 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of borate and borosilicate minerals and a borosilicate glass , 1986 .

[44]  R. J. Hill,et al.  A crystal chemical study of stishovite , 1983 .

[45]  C. Angell,et al.  Al3+ coordination changes in liquid aluminosilicates under pressure , 1985, Nature.

[46]  C. Angell,et al.  Short time structural relaxation processes in liquids: Comparison of experimental and computer simulation glass transitions on picosecond time scales , 1983 .

[47]  E. Neumann,et al.  Redox equilibria and the structural states of ferric and ferrous iron in melts in the system CaO-MgO-Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -Fe-O; relationships between redox equilibria, melt structure and liquidus phase equilibria , 1985 .

[48]  H. Green How and why does olivine transform to spinel , 1984 .

[49]  M. S. T. Bukowinski,et al.  First principles equations of state of MgO and CaO , 1985 .

[50]  W. Bassett,et al.  Rapid determination of Fe3O4 phase diagram by synchrotron radiation , 1986 .

[51]  D. Weidner,et al.  Crystal growth of MgSiO3 perovskite , 1986 .

[52]  J. Brady,et al.  Diffusion data for clinopyroxenes from homogenization and self-diffusion experiments , 1983 .

[53]  P. McMillan,et al.  Raman spectroscopy of calcium aluminate glasses and crystals , 1983 .

[54]  R. Jeanloz,et al.  High-pressure electrical resistivity measurements of Fe2O3: comparison of static-compression and shock-wave experiments to 61 GPa , 1986 .

[55]  David M. Sherman,et al.  Electronic spectra of Fe3+ oxides and oxide hydroxides in the near IR to near UV , 1985 .

[56]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Composition of the upper mantle: Geophysical tests of two petrological models , 1984 .

[57]  P. McMillan Structural studies of silicate glasses and melts—applications and limitations of Raman spectroscopy , 1984 .

[58]  A. Navrotsky,et al.  The quartz-coesite-stishovite transformations: new calorimetric measurements and calculation of phase diagrams , 1984 .

[59]  D. Weidner,et al.  Elastic properties of the olivine and spinel polymorphs of Mg2GeO4, and evaluation of elastic analogues , 1983 .

[60]  P. McMillan,et al.  The Raman spectrum of MgSiO 3 ilmenite , 1984 .

[61]  Bell,et al.  Raman spectroscopy of SiO2 glass at high pressure. , 1986, Physical review letters.

[62]  A. Navrotsky,et al.  Calorimetric study of the stability of spinelloids in the system NiAl2O4-Ni2SiO4 , 1984 .

[63]  P. McMillan A Raman spectroscopic study of glasses in the system CaO-MgO-SiO 2 , 1984 .

[64]  C. Rai,et al.  Ultrasonic velocity and attenuation measurements on basalt melts to 1500°C: Role of composition and structure in the viscoelastic properties , 1986 .

[65]  B. Mysen,et al.  Raman Spectra and Structure of Fluorine- and Water-Bearing Silicate Glasses and Melts , 1985 .

[66]  M. Ross,et al.  Matter under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure , 1985 .

[67]  R. Jeanloz,et al.  High-pressure metallization of FeO and implications for the earth's core , 1986 .

[68]  Raymond Jeanloz,et al.  Temperature distribution in the crust and mantle , 1986 .

[69]  R. Kirkpatrick,et al.  Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Minerals , 1985 .


[71]  Thomas J. Ahrens,et al.  Shock wave equations of state using mixed‐phase regime data , 1984 .

[72]  Robert M. Hazen,et al.  Crystals at High Pressure , 1985 .

[73]  E. Stolper,et al.  The speciation of carbon dioxide in sodium aluminosilicate glasses , 1985 .

[74]  B. Burton Theoretical analysis of chemical and magnetic ordering in the system Fe 2 O 3 -FeTiO 3 , 1985 .

[75]  D. Sherman The electronic structures of manganese oxide minerals , 1984 .

[76]  P. McMillan,et al.  Phase transitions among the CaGeO3 polymorphs (wollastonite, garnet, and perovskite structures): Studies by high-pressure synthesis, high-temperature calorimetry, and vibrational spectroscopy and calculation , 1986 .

[77]  R. Hazen,et al.  Polyhedral modeling of the elastic properties of corundum (α-Al2O3) and chrysoberyl (Al2BeO4) , 1985 .

[78]  B. Mysen,et al.  Viscosity and structure of iron- and aluminum-bearing calcium silicate melts at 1 atm , 1985 .

[79]  Jay D. Bass,et al.  Elasticity of single-crystal SmAlO3, GdAlO3 and ScAlO3 perovskites , 1984 .

[80]  T. Duffy,et al.  Elasticity of enstatite and its relationship to crystal structure , 1986 .

[81]  B. Mysen,et al.  A comparison of iron redox ratios in silicate glasses determined by wet-chemical and 57Fe Mössbauer resonant absorption methods , 1985 .

[82]  E. Jones,et al.  Studies of the spectral and spatial characteristics of shock-induced luminescence from x-cut quartz , 1983 .

[83]  A. Navrotsky,et al.  MgSiO 3 ilmenite; calorimetry, phase equilibria, and decomposition at atmospheric pressure , 1985 .

[84]  Bernard J. Wood,et al.  The eclogite to garnetite transition — Experimental and thermodynamic constraints , 1984 .

[85]  A. Pines,et al.  A high-temperature high-resolution NMR study of 23Na, 27Al and 29Si in molten silicates , 1985 .

[86]  Raymond Jeanloz,et al.  Reduction of mantle and core properties to a standard state by adiabatic decompression , 1986 .

[87]  Robert N. Schock Point Defects in Minerals: Schock/Point Defects in Minerals , 1985 .

[88]  R. A. Robie,et al.  Entropies of kyanite, andalusite, and sillimanite: additional constraints on the pressure and temperature of the Al2SiO5 triple point , 1984 .

[89]  R. Jeanloz Chapter 11. THERMODYNAMICS of PHASE TRANSITIONS , 1985 .

[90]  R. Cohen,et al.  Energetics of ordering in aluminous pyroxenes , 1985 .

[91]  Yosiko Sato-Sorensen,et al.  Phase transitions and equations of state for the sodium halides: NaF NaCl, NaBr, and NaI , 1983 .

[92]  Isao Suzuki,et al.  Temperature coefficients of elastic constants of single crystal MgO between 80 and 1,300 K , 1983 .

[93]  Murli H. Manghnani,et al.  Crystal structure of magnetite under pressure , 1986 .

[94]  T. Jordan,et al.  Slab penetration into the lower mantle , 1984 .

[95]  G. Rossman,et al.  Water content of mantle garnets , 1984 .

[96]  B. Mysen,et al.  Interaction between fluorine and silica in quenched melts on the joins SiO2-AlF3 and SiO2-NaF determined by raman spectroscopy , 1985 .

[97]  Thomas J. Ahrens,et al.  Shock‐induced radiation spectra of fused quartz , 1983 .

[98]  P. Richet,et al.  Thermochemical Properties of Silicate Glasses and Liquids: A Review (Paper 5R0710) , 1986 .

[99]  L. M. Hirsch,et al.  Electrical conductivity of olivine during high‐temperature creep , 1986 .

[100]  S. Sutton,et al.  Thermoluminescence measurements on shock-metamorphosed sandstone and dolomite from Meteor Crater, Arizona: 2. Thermoluminescence age of meteor crater , 1985 .

[101]  P. McMillan,et al.  The Mg2SiOa polymorphs (olivine, modified spinel and spinel)- thermodynamic properties from oxide melt solution calorimetry, phase relations, and models of lattice vibrations , 2007 .

[102]  O. Anderson,et al.  Properties of iron at the Earth's core conditions , 1986 .

[103]  H. Mao,et al.  Position-sensitive X-ray diffraction: hydrostatic compressibility of argon, tantalum, and copper to 769 kbar , 1984 .

[104]  J. Delaney,et al.  Diffusion of H2O and D2O in obsidian at elevated temperatures and pressures , 1984 .

[105]  Raymond Jeanloz,et al.  Lattice dynamics and structural distortions of CaSiO3 and MgSiO3 perovskites , 1985 .


[107]  D. Weidner,et al.  Theoretical modelling of the elastic properties of forsterite: A polyhedral approach , 1986, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals.

[108]  R. A. Robie,et al.  Low-temperature heat capacities of CaAl 2 SiO 6 glass and pyroxene and thermal expansion of CaAl 2 SiO 6 pyroxene , 1984 .

[109]  L. L. Boyer,et al.  Parameter-free equation-of-state calculations for CsCaF3 , 1984 .

[110]  Thomas J. Ahrens,et al.  Shock wave properties of anorthosite and gabbro , 1985 .

[111]  J. C. Jamieson,et al.  Gold as a reliable internal pressure calibrant at high temperatures , 1983 .

[112]  D. Kohlstedt,et al.  Solution-precipitation enhanced diffusional creep of partially molten olivine-basalt aggregates during hot-pressing , 1984 .

[113]  J. Post,et al.  Modeling tunnel-cation displacements in hollandites using structure-energy calculations , 1986 .

[114]  R. Jeanloz,et al.  Thermal conductivity of minerals at high pressure: The effect of phase transitions , 1983 .

[115]  Thomas J. Ahrens,et al.  Shock compression of diamond crystal , 1983 .

[116]  P. McMillan Vibrational spectroscopy in the mineral sciences , 1985 .

[117]  R. Hazen,et al.  High-pressure and high-temperature crystallographic study of the gillespite I-II phase transition , 1983 .

[118]  Reinhard Boehler,et al.  Resistance heating of Fe and W in diamond-anvil cells , 1986 .

[119]  Mills,et al.  Optical studies of nitrogen to 130 GPa. , 1985, Physical review letters.

[120]  N. Holmes,et al.  Phase transition in fluid nitrogen at high densities and temperatures , 1984 .

[121]  B. Mysen,et al.  Raman study of densified vitreous silica , 1983 .

[122]  William R. Busing,et al.  Calculation of the elastic constants and high-pressure properties of diopside, CaMgSi/sub 2/O/sub 6/ , 1984 .

[123]  Raymond Jeanloz,et al.  High-pressure X-Ray diffraction and optical absorption studies of CsI , 1985 .

[124]  R. Jeanloz Thermodynamics of phase transitions , 1985 .

[125]  M. Apted,et al.  X-ray K-edge absorption spectra of Fe minerals and model compounds: Near-edge structure , 1983 .

[126]  R. Mcqueen,et al.  Melting of metals above 100 GPa , 1983 .

[127]  D. Sherman The electronic structures of Fe3+ coordination sites in iron oxides: Applications to spectra, bonding, and magnetism , 1985 .

[128]  Bell,et al.  Ultrahigh pressures: Optical observations and Raman measurements of hydrogen and deuterium to 1.47 Mbar. , 1985, Physical review letters.

[129]  W. Bassett,et al.  Investigation of the mechanism of the olivine‐spinel transition in fayalite by synchrotron radiation , 1983 .

[130]  T. Ahrens,et al.  Shock effects on hydrous minerals and implications for carbonaceous meteorites , 1985 .

[131]  A. Jayaraman,et al.  Diamond anvil cell and high-pressure physical investigations , 1983 .

[132]  R. A. Robie,et al.  Heat capacity and entropy of Ni 2 SiO 4 -olivine from 5 to 1000 K and heat capacity of Co 2 SiO 4 from 360 to 1000 K , 1984 .

[133]  B. A. Wechsler,et al.  Crystal structure of ilmenite (FeTiOs) at high temperature and at high pressure , 2007 .

[134]  P. Richet,et al.  Heat capacity of aluminum-free liquid silicates , 1985 .

[135]  Wolf,et al.  Vibrational properties of model monatomic crystals under pressure. , 1985, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[136]  Raymond Jeanloz,et al.  Experiments at high temperature and pressure - Laser heating through the diamond cell , 1984 .

[137]  Boyer,et al.  Potential-induced breathing model for the elastic moduli and high-pressure behavior of the cubic alkaline-earth oxides. , 1986, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[138]  M. Dyar,et al.  Mossbauer spectral study of ferruginous one-layer trioctahedral micas , 1986 .

[139]  M. S. T. Bukowinski,et al.  Ab initio structural and thermoelastic properties of orthorhombic MgSiO3 perovskite , 1985 .

[140]  B. Mysen,et al.  Iron-bearing silicate melts: Relations between pressure and redox equilibria , 1985 .

[141]  Cohen,et al.  Calculation of bulk moduli of diamond and zinc-blende solids. , 1985, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[142]  S. Qadri,et al.  High pressure studies of Ge using synchrotron radiation , 1983 .

[143]  Raymond Jeanloz,et al.  Optical length determinations in the diamond‐anvil cell , 1984 .

[144]  G. Peraudeau,et al.  Water solubility in a calcium aluminosilicate melt , 1986 .

[145]  D. Weidner,et al.  Single-Crystal Elastic Properties of the Modified Spinel (Beta) Phase of Magnesium Orthosilicate , 1984, Science.

[146]  Robert M. Hazen,et al.  High-pressure crystal chemistry of beryl (Be 3 Al 2 Si 6 O 18 ) and euclase (BeAlSiO 4 OH) , 1986 .

[147]  John O. Hallquist,et al.  Finite element analysis of the diamond anvil cell: Achieving 4.6 Mbar , 1986 .

[148]  Raymond Jeanloz,et al.  The equation of state of the gold calibration standard , 1984 .

[149]  D. Matson,et al.  Effect of high pressures on the structure of anhydrous and hydrated GeO2 glasses , 1985 .

[150]  Reinhard Boehler,et al.  Melting temperature, adiabats, and Grüneisen parameter of lithium, sodium and potassium versus pressure , 1983 .

[151]  B. Jong,et al.  Polymerization of silicate and aluminate tetrahedra in glasses, melts, and aqueous solutions—V. The polymeric structure of silica in albite and anorthite composition glass and the devitrification of amorphous anorthite , 1984 .

[152]  R. L. Mills,et al.  Structures and phase diagrams of N2 and CO to 13 GPa by x‐ray diffraction , 1986 .

[153]  Michael D. Furnish,et al.  Shock loading of single‐crystal olivine in the 100–200 GPa range , 1986 .

[154]  G. V. Gibbs,et al.  Defects in amorphous silica: Ab initio MO calculations , 1984 .

[155]  James J. Simpson,et al.  A simple model of the 1982‐83 Californian "El Nino" , 1984 .

[156]  B. Mysen,et al.  The structural state of iron in oxidized vs. reduced glasses at 1 atm: A57Fe Mössbauer study , 1985 .

[157]  A. Navrotsky,et al.  The α, β, γ phase relations in Fe2SiO4‐Mg2SiO4 and Co2SiO4‐Mg2SiO4: Calculation from thermochemical data and geophysical applications , 1984 .

[158]  Murli H. Manghnani,et al.  Thermal expansion of single-crystal forsterite to 1023 K by Fizeau interferometry , 1985 .

[159]  N. Ashcroft,et al.  Properties of SiO2 in a high‐pressure fluorite structure phase , 1984 .

[160]  Mary L. Johnson,et al.  A brillouin-zone model for compositional variation in tetrahedrite , 1983 .

[161]  William R. Busing,et al.  Computational modeling of the structure and elastic constants of the olivine and spinel forms of Mg2SiO4 , 1984 .

[162]  William J. Nellis,et al.  Shock Compression of Liquid Helium to 56 GPa (560 kbar) , 1984 .

[163]  J. Boland,et al.  Mechanism of the olivine to spinel phase transformation in Ni2SiO4 , 1983 .

[164]  D. Matson,et al.  Raman spectra and structure of sodium aluminogermanate glasses , 1984 .

[165]  A. C. Lees,et al.  Reflection properties of phase transition and compositional change models of the 670‐km discontinuity , 1983 .

[166]  Satoshi Sasaki,et al.  Single‐crystal elastic properties of the spinel phase of Mg2SiO4 , 1984 .

[167]  T. Shankland,et al.  Radiative heat transfer in molten and glassy obsidian , 1984 .

[168]  Thomas J. Ahrens,et al.  Heterogeneous shock-induced thermal radiation in minerals , 1983 .

[169]  Robert M. Hazen,et al.  High-pressure crystal chemistry of scheelite-type tungstates and molybdates , 1985 .


[171]  Raymond Jeanloz,et al.  Wüstite (Fe1‐x O): A review of its defect structure and physical properties , 1984 .

[172]  M. Manghnani,et al.  High-pressure phase transformations and isothermal compression in CaTiO3 (perovskite) , 1986 .

[173]  T. Ahrens,et al.  Densities of Liquid Silicates at High Pressures , 1984, Science.

[174]  Bob Svendsen,et al.  Dynamic compression of diopside and salite to 200 GPa , 1983 .

[175]  R. Mcqueen,et al.  Phase transitions, Grüneisen parameter, and elasticity for shocked iron between 77 GPa and 400 GPa , 1986 .

[176]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Mineralogy and composition of the upper mantle , 1984 .

[177]  R. Kirkpatrick,et al.  31P and 29Si Magic‐Angle Sample‐Spinning NMR Investigation of the Structural Environment of Phosphorus in Alkaline‐Earth Silicate Glasses , 1986 .

[178]  Thomas J. Ahrens,et al.  Shock temperatures in CaO , 1984 .

[179]  R. Hazen,et al.  Compressibility of zeolite 4A is dependent on the molecular size of the hydrostatic pressure medium , 1984 .

[180]  P. Gallezot,et al.  Radial distribution studies of non-framework aluminium species formed during dehydroxylation of zeolite HY , 1985, Nature.

[181]  R. McMullan,et al.  Neutron diffraction studies of sillimanite , 1986 .

[182]  J. Bird,et al.  Melting of Diamond , 1984, Science.

[183]  B. Burton Thermodynamic analysis of the system Fe2O3-FeTiO3 , 1984 .

[184]  G. Rossman,et al.  The high temperature behavior of trace hydrous componentsin silicate minerals , 1985 .

[185]  F. R. Boyd,et al.  Evaluation of thermobarometers for garnet peridotites , 1984 .

[186]  W. Nellis,et al.  Silica at ultrahigh temperature and expanded volume , 1984 .

[187]  Shaw,et al.  Sound-wave velocities in liquid alkali metals studied at temperatures up to 150 degreesC and pressures up to 0.7 GPa. , 1985, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[188]  S. Saxena,et al.  A thermochemical data base for phase equilibria in the system Fe-Mg-Si-O at high pressure and temperature , 1986 .

[189]  R. Kirkpatrick,et al.  Magic-Angle Sample-Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Silicate Glasses: A Review , 1986 .

[190]  Murli H. Manghnani,et al.  Variation of elastic constants of cubic PbF2 with volume , 1986 .

[191]  D. Bish,et al.  Structure energy calculations on optimum distance model structures; application to the silicate olivines , 1984 .

[192]  J. Aidun,et al.  First principles versus spherical ion models of the B1 and B2 phases of NaCl , 1985 .

[193]  Jay D. Bass,et al.  Single crystal elastic properties of protoenstatite: A comparison with orthoenstatite , 1983 .

[194]  D. Matson,et al.  Structures of sodium alumino- and gallosilicate glasses and their germanium analogs , 1985 .

[195]  A. Lasaga,et al.  Dielectric and polarization behavior of forsterite at elevated temperatures , 1986 .

[196]  R. Jeanloz,et al.  Lindemann Melting Law: Anharmonic correction and test of its validity for minerals , 1984 .

[197]  D. Weidner,et al.  A mineral physics test of a pyrolite mantle , 1985 .

[198]  T. Roush,et al.  Raman study of the structure of glasses along the join SiO2GeO2 , 1984 .

[199]  J. Brown Interpretation of the D″ zone at the base of the mantle: Dependence on assumed values of thermal conductivity , 1986 .


[201]  A. Jayaraman The diamond-anvil high-pressure cell , 1984 .

[202]  B. Mysen The solubility mechanisms of volatiles in silicate melts and their relations to crystal-andesite liquid equilibria , 1983 .


[204]  D. Kohlstedt,et al.  High-temperature deformation of forsterite single crystals doped with vanadium , 1986 .

[205]  Jay D. Bass,et al.  Elasticity of uvarovite and andradite garnets , 1986 .

[206]  B. Burton,et al.  Thermodynamic analysis of the system CaCO3–MgCO3 in the tetrahedron approximation of the cluster variation method , 1984 .

[207]  E. Oldfield,et al.  High-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Inorganic Solids , 1985, Science.

[208]  Williams,et al.  Measurements of CsI band-gap closure to 93 GPa. , 1986, Physical review letters.

[209]  M. Apted,et al.  X-ray K-edge absorption spectra of Fe minerals and model compounds: II. EXAFS , 1986 .

[210]  Roy G. Gordon,et al.  First‐principles theory for the equations of state of minerals at high pressures and temperatures: Application to MgO , 1985 .

[211]  Ross,et al.  Shock temperatures and melting in CsI. , 1985, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[212]  R. Lange,et al.  Phase transitions in leucite (KAlSi 2 O 6 ), orthorhombic KAlSiO 4 , and their iron analogues (KFeSi 2 O 6 , KFeSiO 4 ) , 1986 .

[213]  Ross,et al.  Structure of dense shock-melted alkali halides: Evidence for a continuous pressure-induced structural transition in the melt. , 1985, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[214]  H. Mao,et al.  Raman spectrum of natural and synthetic stishovite , 1986 .

[215]  H. Mao,et al.  Measurement of stress in diamond anvils with micro-Raman spectroscopy , 1985 .

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