Automatic Extraction of Domain-Specific Stopwords from Labeled Documents

Automatic extraction of domain-specific stopword list from a large labeled corpus is discussed. Most researches remove the stopwords using a standard stopword list, and high and low document frequencies. In this paper, a new approach for stopword extraction based on the notion of backward filter level performance and sparsity measure of training data, is proposed. First, we discuss the motivation for updating existing lists or building new ones. Second, based on the proposed backward filter-level performance, we examine the effectiveness of high document frequency filtering for stopword reduction. Finally, a new method for building general and domain-specific stopwords is proposed. The method assumes that a set of candidate stopwords must have minimum information content and prediction capacity, which can be estimated by a classifier performance. The proposed approach is extensively compared with other methods including inverse document frequency and information gain. According to the comparative study, the proposed approach offers more promising results, which guarantee minimum information loss by filtering out most stopwords.

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