Pre-Congestion Notification (PCN) builds on the concepts of RFC 3168,
"The addition of Explicit Congestion Notification to IP". However,
Pre-Congestion Notification aims at providing notification before any
congestion actually occurs. Pre-Congestion Notification is applied to
real-time flows (such as voice, video and multimedia streaming) in
DiffServ networks. As described in [CL-DEPLOY], it enables "pre"
congestion control through two procedures, flow admission control and
flow pre-emption. The draft proposes algorithms that determine when a
PCN-enabled router writes Admission Marking and Pre-emption Marking in
a packet header, depending on the traffic level. The draft also
proposes how to encode these markings. We present simulation results
with PCN working in an edge-to-edge scenario using the marking
algorithms described. Other marking algorithms will be investigated in
the future.