중등「가정」교사 임용시험 문항 분석

The purpose of this study was to investigate the trends of HE exam questions through analyzing the examination items for secondary Home Economics(HE) teaching certification from 2002 to 2011. The results of the study were as follows: First, regarding the analysis on pedagogy of HE course, it accounted for 30.9% of the total questions, and recently, it increased to 35%. Regarding the ratio of questions by each evaluation element, ‘practice of teaching and learning methods for HE course’(33.2%) had the highest ratio, and ‘essence of the education of HE’(3.2%) had the lowest ratio. Second, regarding the analysis on eating habits, it amounted to 17.5% of the total questions, and recently reached 15%. With regard to the ratio of each evaluation element, ‘cooking theory and practice’(26.1%) had the highest ratio, and ‘culture of eating habits’(3.7%) had the lowest ratio. Third, regarding the analysis on clothing habits, it accounted 15% of the total questions, and recently reached 12.5%. With regard to the ratio of each evaluation element, ‘clothing management’(25.1%) and ‘production of clothing and living necessaries’(25.1%) had the highest ratio, and ‘selection of clothing and self-expression’(3.0%) had the lowest ratio. Fourth, regarding the analysis on housing life, it accounted for 11% of the total questions, and recently reaches 12.5%. With regard to each evaluation element, ‘the understanding of housing life culture’(22.5%) had the highest ratio, and ‘the understanding of housing interior design’(10.7%) had the lowest ratio. Fifth, regarding the analysis on daily life as a consumer, it accounted for 12.4%, and recently reaches 12.5%. With regard to the ratio of each evaluation element ‘management of domestic resources’(34%) had the highest ratio, and ‘planning of entire life and domestic welfare’(0%) had the zero ratio. Sixth, regarding the analysis on family life, it accounted for 13.3% of the total questions, and recently reaches 12.5%. With regard to the ratio of each evaluation element, ‘the understanding of family and the changes in family’(23.8%) had the highest ratio, and ‘marriage and the development of family’(2%) had the lowest ratio.