Schnellwachsende Gehölze zur Energiegewinnung im ökologischen Landbau - Etablierung und Wuchsleistung verschiedener Baumarten

So far there is only little experience with the cultivation of coppicing fast-growing tree species in German organic agriculture. The research project investigated the establishment and the performance of different tree species - black alder (Alnus glutinosa), grey alder (Alnus incana) and two hybrid poplar clones ('Max 1', 'Max 3') under organic conditions. Various strategies to reduce weed competition were examined. Different undersown crops (Medicago lupulina, Trifolium repens, Camelina sativa, Secale cereale) and a self-degradable mulch membrane were compared with an untreated control. The two experimental sites are located in Southern Bavaria (Germany). All tree species could be successfully established on both experimental sites. The results show that during the first three years the trees on self-degradable mulch membrane growd best, and reached the lowest heigth on black medic. A recommendation regarding choice of tree species and strategies of establishment can be given after tree harvest and after an economic evaluation.