Symmetry control of an indirectly driven high-density-carbon implosion at high convergence and high velocity

We report on the most recent and successful effort at controlling the trajectory and symmetry of a high density carbon implosion at the National Ignition Facility. We use a low gasfill (0.3 mg/cc He) bare depleted uranium hohlraum with around 1 MJ of laser energy to drive a 3-shock-ignition relevant implosion. We assess drive performance and we demonstrate symmetry control at convergence 1, 3–5, 12, and 27 to better than ±5 μm using a succession of experimental platforms. The symmetry control was maintained at a peak fuel velocity of 380 km/s. Overall, implosion symmetry measurements are consistent with the pole-equator symmetry of the X-ray drive on the capsule being better than 5% in the foot of the drive (when shocks are launched) and better than 1% during peak drive (main acceleration phase). This level of residual asymmetry should have little impact on implosion performance.

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