Theory of dynamical systems in fields of p-adic numbers is an important part of algebraic and arithmetic dynamics. The study of p-adic dynamical systems is motivated by their applications in various areas of mathematics, e.g., in physics, genetics, biology, cognitive science, neurophysiology, computer science, cryptology, etc.In particular, p-adic dynamical systems found applications in cryptography, which stimulated the interest to nonsmooth dynamical maps. An important class of (in general) nonsmooth maps is given by 1-Lipschitz functions.In this thesis we restrict our study to the class of 1-Lipschitz functions and describe measure-preserving (for the Haar measure on the ring of p-adic integers) and ergodic functions.The main mathematical tool used in this work is the representation of the function by the van der Put series which is actively used in p-adic analysis. The van der Put basis differs fundamentally from previously used ones (for example, the monomial and Mahler basis) which are related to the algebraic structure of p-adic fields. The basic point in the construction of van der Put basis is the continuity of the characteristic function of a p-adic ball.Also we use an algebraic structure (permutations) induced by coordinate functions with partially frozen variables.In this thesis, we present a description of 1-Lipschitz measure-preserving and ergodic functions for arbitrary prime p.
Vladimir Anashin,et al.
Uniformly distributed sequences in computer algebra or how to construct program generators of random numbers
Andrei Khrennikov,et al.
Applied Algebraic Dynamics
Vladimir Anashin,et al.
Non-Archimedean Ergodic Theory and Pseudorandom Generators
Comput. J..
S. V. Kozyrev,et al.
Genetic code on the diadic plane
Andrei Khrennikov,et al.
Non-Archimedean Analysis: Quantum Paradoxes, Dynamical Systems and Biological Models
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Равномерно распределенные последовательности целых $p$-адических чисел@@@Uniformly distributed sequences of $p$-adic integers