Biopharmaceutical studies of 3-substituted isatin derivatives.

The metabolic fate of isatin hydrazone (Ia), isatin-3-thiosemicarbazone (Ib), isatin-3-semicarbazone (Ic), isatin-3-phenylhydrazone (Id), isatin oxime (Ie) and 3-hydroxy-3-acetonyl oxindole (II) was studied in rabbits. The compounds were administered orally in the dose of 300 mg/kg body wt. Isatin anthranilic acid, tryptophan and nicotinic acid were identified as the major metabolites excreted in urine. The 3-hydroxy-3-acetonyl oxindole (II) gave on additional metabolite, oxindole. The major metabolites were separated and identified unambiguously on thin layer silica gel plate. Metabolic pathways have been proposed to explain the biotransformation of the compounds investigated.