Design of Modified Sierpinski Gasket Fractal Antenna for C and X-band applications

This paper presents a novel design of Modified Sierpinski Gasket Fractal Antenna (MSGFA). Sierpinski Gasket is known by name of Sierpinski Triangle having triangular slots using mid-point geometry of triangle. Sierpinski Gasket Geometry is modified using circular shape. It is fabricated on a low cost FR-4 epoxy substrate with relative permittivity of 4.4 and having dimensions 17.89 × 21.45 × 1.6 mm3.The proposed antenna has return loss is -15.77 dB at 5.51GHz.Probe feed is used to feed the proposed antenna. Antenna has a gain 9.68dB at 9.65GHz. The simulation of proposed antenna is done using High Frequency Structure Simulator HFSS V13 Software.