Effects of nitrogen fertilization on grain protein content, nitrogen uptake, and nitrogen use efficiency of six spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, in relation to estimated moisture supply

The effects of nitrogen fertilization on protein content, N uptake and N use efficiency of grain for six spring wheat cultivars were evaluated over a N application range of 0–200 kg ha−1, under two moisture supply levels, on Black Chernozemic soils in Manitoba. Moisture supply influenced protein content, protein yield, and grain N use efficiency (NUE) of applied fertilizer. Increased moisture supply lowered protein content and increased protein yield and NUE. Increasing N level increased protein, N uptake and decreased NUE, but effects depended on moisture supply. Cultivar differences occurred, especially at the higher moisture level.Key words: Protein, Triticum aestivum L., nitrogen uptake, nitrogen use efficiency, moisture