The role of spectral resolution and classifier complexity in the analysis of hyperspectral images of forest areas.

Abstract Remote sensing hyperspectral sensors are important and powerful instruments for addressing classification problems in complex forest scenarios, as they allow one a detailed characterization of the spectral behavior of the considered information classes. However, the processing of hyperspectral data is particularly complex both from a theoretical viewpoint [e.g. problems related to the Hughes phenomenon (Hughes, 1968) and from a computational perspective. Despite many previous investigations that have been presented in the literature on feature reduction and feature extraction in hyperspectral data, only a few studies have analyzed the role of spectral resolution on the classification accuracy in different application domains. In this paper, we present an empirical study aimed at understanding the relationship among spectral resolution, classifier complexity, and classification accuracy obtained with hyperspectral sensors for the classification of forest areas. We considered two different test sets characterized by images acquired by an AISA Eagle sensor over 126 bands with a spectral resolution of 4.6 nm, and we subsequently degraded its spectral resolution to 9.2, 13.8, 18.4, 23, 27.6, 32.2 and 36.8 nm. A series of classification experiments were carried out with bands at each of the degraded spectral resolutions, and bands selected with a feature selection algorithm at the highest spectral resolution (4.6 nm). The classification experiments were carried out with three different classifiers: Support Vector Machine, Gaussian Maximum Likelihood with Leave-One-Out-Covariance estimator, and Linear Discriminant Analysis. From the experimental results, important conclusions can be made about the choice of the spectral resolution of hyperspectral sensors as applied to forest areas, also in relation to the complexity of the adopted classification methodology. The outcome of these experiments are also applicable in terms of directing the user towards a more efficient use of the current instruments (e.g. programming of the spectral channels to be acquired) and classification techniques in forest applications, as well as in the design of future hyperspectral sensors.

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