Music composition for songs is difficult for people, due to the necessity of the complicated music composition theory and the combined artistic conception and emotion-based ideas. The emotional representation can define the valence and arousal coordinate, and it is possible to perform the mapping technique between music and emotion, according to lyrics emotion. The proposed emotion-based algorithmic music composition uses song lyrics emotion to classify music segments, and use the mapping between music and emotion. It can make people who even don’t know music theory easily compose a song. Some demos finally show the result of the research. Therefore the proposed method can be applied to such fields as the popular songs composition, background music, musical edutainment, education musicale, etc. Some traditional sources of entertainment have embraced AI to compose music and create stage performances. AI will increasingly enable entertainment that is more interactive, personalized, and engaging. In the future, more sophisticated tools and apps will become available to make it even easier to compose music. The creation and dissemination of entertainment will benefit from the progress of technologies such as ASR, dubbing, and Machine Translation, which will enable content to be customized to different audiences inexpensively. This democratization and proliferation of AI-created media makes it difficult to predict how humans’ taste for entertainment, which are already fluid, will evolve.
W. K. Hastings,et al.
Monte Carlo Sampling Methods Using Markov Chains and Their Applications
Andrew R. Brown,et al.
Dynamic response: real-time adaptation for music emotion
J. Russell.
A circumplex model of affect.
Von-Wun Soo,et al.
Generate modern style Chinese poems based on common sense and evolutionary computation
2015 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI).
George Trigeorgis,et al.
Automatically Estimating Emotion in Music with Deep Long-Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks
R. Thayer.
The biopsychology of mood and arousal
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Modeling Structural Topic Transitions for Automatic Lyrics Generation
R. Jackendoff,et al.
A Generative Theory of Tonal Music