Mosses of Europe and the Azores; an annotated list of species, with synonyms from the recent literature

[1]  C. Townsend Bryophytes from Azraq National Park, Jordan , 1966 .

[2]  A. Smith Further new combinations in British and Irish mosses , 1977 .

[3]  T. Koponen Generic revision of Mniaceae Mitt , 1968 .

[4]  G. S. Mogensen A revision of the moss genus Cinclidium Sw. (Mniaceae Mitt. ). , 1973 .

[5]  W. Steere,et al.  The mosses of Arctic Alaska , 1979 .

[6]  Hadiuzzaman Syed A taxonomic study of Bryum capillare Hedw. and related species , 1973 .

[7]  S. McAdam,et al.  Brachythecium appleyardiae sp. nov. in south-west England , 1981 .

[8]  M. Corley The taxonomy of Campylopus pyriformis (Schultz) Bridr and related species , 1976 .

[9]  H. Robinson A revision of the moss genus, Trichostomopsis , 1970 .

[10]  G. Smith,et al.  A Conspectus of the Genera of Polytrichaceae. , 1971 .

[11]  Alexander W. Evans,et al.  Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. I. Abteilung. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora, zweite Auflage, Band VI , 1912 .

[12]  D. Long A reassessment of the systematic position of Tortula stanfordensis Steere and T. khartoumensis Pettet , 1979 .

[13]  H. Whitehouse,et al.  The sporophyte and male plants of Tortula stanfordensis Steere and the taxonomic position of this and T. khartoumensis Pettet and T. rhizophylla (Sak.) Iwats. & Saito , 1974 .

[14]  H. N. Dixon,et al.  Student's Handbook of British Mosses , 1954 .

[15]  M. R. Crosby Micromitrium Aust., an Earlier Name for Nanomitrium Lindb. , 1968 .

[16]  R. Brassard POLLETT, F. C. & W. J. MEADES. 1970. Checklist of vascular and non-vascular specimens in the Canadian Forestry Herbarium, Newfoundland. Forest Res. Lab., St. John's, Nfld. Information Rept. N-X-55: 1-68. SCHULTZE-MOTEL, W. 1970. Monographie der Laubmoosgattung Andreaea. I. Die costaten , 1975 .

[17]  R. Zander Didymodon luridus Hornsch. in Spreng. Replaces D. trifarius (Hedw.) Roehl. [=Saelania glaucescens (Hedw.) Broth.] , 1978 .

[18]  A. C. Crundwell Weissia perssonii Kindb., a neglected West European moss , 1971 .

[19]  A. Pettet Bryophytes of the Sudan; I. Khartoum Province , 1967 .

[20]  H. Sipman,et al.  Taxonomy and World Distribution of Campylopus introflexus and C. pilifer (= C. polytrichoides): a New Synthesis , 1978 .

[21]  H. Whitehouse The Occurrence of Tortula stanfordensis, Steere in Cornwall, new to Europe , 1961 .

[22]  A. C. Crundwell,et al.  Tortula bolanderi (Lesq. & James) Howe in France, new to Europe , 1976 .

[23]  R. Zander The Tribe Pleuroweisieae (Pottiaceae, Musci) in Middle America , 1977 .

[24]  E. Warburg,et al.  Tortula vectensis, a New Species from the Isle of Wight , 1965 .

[25]  W. L. Culberson,et al.  The Authorities for the Epithets of Mosses, Hepatics, and Lichens , 1964 .

[26]  Ingebrigt Hagen Forarbejder til en norsk løvmosflora , 1907 .

[27]  A. Frisvoll Twenty-eight Bryophytes New to Svalbard1 , 1978 .

[28]  K. Saito A Monograph of Japanese Pottiaceae(Musci) , 1975 .

[29]  A. C. Crundwell,et al.  A revision of Weissia, subgenus Astomum I. The European species , 1974 .

[30]  G. Roth Die Europaischen Laubmoose. , 2022 .

[31]  D. Horton Bryobrittonia longipes, an earlier name for B. pellucida (Encalyptaceae, Musci) , 2008, Brittonia.

[32]  A. C. Crundwell Ditrichum plumbicola, a new species from lead-mine waste , 1976 .

[33]  J. Podpěra Conspectus muscorum europaeorum , 1956 .

[34]  L. E. Anderson,et al.  Mosses of Eastern North America , 1982 .

[35]  C. Townsend,et al.  Hypnumu uncinulatum Jur. reinstated as an Irish species , 1980 .

[36]  S. R. Edwards A revision of West Tropical African Calymperaceae I. Introduction and Calymperes , 1980 .

[37]  H. Crum Nomenclatural Changes in the Musci , 1971 .

[38]  H. Whitehouse,et al.  An account of the British species of the Bryum hieolor complex including B. dunense sp. nov. , 1978 .

[39]  A. Smith New combinations in European mosses III. Pleurocarpous species , 1981 .

[40]  J. A. Paton A New British Moss, Fissidens celticus sp.nov. , 1965 .

[41]  D. Vitt,et al.  A revision of the genus Orthotrichum in North America, North of Mexico , 1974 .

[42]  M. Hill New combinations in European mosses I. Pottiaceae , 1981 .

[43]  W. Kramer Tortula hedw. sect. Rurales de not. (Pottiaceae, Musci) in der östlichen Holarktis , 1981 .

[44]  K. Karczmarz,et al.  Notes on Calliergon orbiculari-cordatum from Spitsbergen , 1966 .

[45]  H. Whitehouse,et al.  Tortula amplexa (Lesq.) Steere in Britain , 1974 .

[46]  A. C. Crundwell,et al.  The European Species of the Bryum erythrocarpum Complex , 1964 .

[47]  A. L. Andrews Taxonomic Notes. IX. Splachnobryum Kieneri , 1949 .

[48]  K. Lewis,et al.  Studies on some bulbiliferous species of Pohlia section Pohliella II. Taxonomy , 1978 .

[49]  H. Whitehouse Dicranella staphylina, a new European species , 1969 .

[50]  J. Snider,et al.  368) Proposal for the Conservation of the Generic Name Pleuridium Rabenh. (1848) against Pleuridium Brid. (1819). (Musci) , 1973 .

[51]  R. Zander A Synopsis of Bryoerythrophyllum and Morinia (Pottiaceae) in the New World1 , 1978 .

[52]  M. Hill,et al.  A taxonomic investigation of Ulota bruchii Hornsch. ex Brid., U. crispa (Hedw.) Brid. and U. crispula Brid. I. European material , 1975 .

[53]  M. Corley Notes on some rare Dicranaceae , 1979 .

[54]  W. Steere,et al.  Tortula scotteri sp. nov. from the Northwest Territories of Canada , 1978 .

[55]  R. Zander Acid-Base Color Reactions: The Status of Triquetrella ferruginea, Barbula inaequalifolia and B. calcarea , 1980 .

[56]  M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga Notes on Fissidens. I and II , 1978 .

[57]  M. Delgadillo Taxonomic Revision of Aloina, Aloinella and Crossidium (Musci) , 1975 .

[58]  A. Smith Some observations on Orthotrichum shawii Wits. ex Schimp. , 1972 .

[59]  J. A. Paton Eriopus apiculatus (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt. established on Tresco , 1968 .

[60]  W. Steere,et al.  Illustrated Moss Flora of Fennoscandia , 1955 .

[61]  B. Bremer 527) Proposal to Reject the Names Grimmia alpicola Sw. ex Hedw. and Schistidium alpicola (Sw. ex Hedw.) Limpr. (Grimmiaceae) , 1980 .

[62]  W. H. Welch A Monograph of the Fontinalaceae , 1961, Springer Netherlands.

[63]  L. J. Gier A preliminary study of the Thuidiaceae (Musci) Of Latin America , 1980 .

[64]  B. Bremer A taxonomic revision of Schistidium (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta) 3. , 1980 .

[65]  A. C. Crundwell New combinations in European mosses II. Gymnostomum and Amblystegium , 1981 .